Utilities - Electric, Water, Sewer and Garbage


The City of Flandreau operates the seventh largest municipal utility in the State of South Dakota and provides electricity, water, sewer, and residential garbage collection.

Billing Period
Utility billing period is from the 15th to the 15th, with bills due without penalty on the following 15th of the month.
(Or the first business day thereafter if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday). Bills are mailed no later than the last working day of the month.

Meter Readings
City of Flandreau is in the process of changing all utility meters to Smart Meters; for the “non-smart meters” those are manually read
between the 13th and 18th of each month, while all Smart Meters provide daily readings automatically and produces the bill reading on the 15th.


Utility Payments can be made at Flandreau City Office 1005 W Elm Ave during office hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. 

Payments can also be made by using the drop box located in front of the City Office or in front of the Flandreau Police Station 136 E 2nd Ave.

Any payment placed in the box after 3:00 p.m. will not be processed until the next business day. 

Forms of Payments

Payment types accepted are:

Cash, Checks, Money Orders, and Debit/Credit Cards.

*Card Payments have a 3.7% Processing Fee

Online Payments

Online Payment can be through Municipal Online Payments which includes a $1.25 convenience fee and a 3.7% processing fee automatically added to amount paying.
If you do not receive your bill before the 15th of the month, contact the City Office or Post Office as the penalty applies to all accounts!
When registering online residents will need amount of last bill and account number.
 Account number needs to be entered with the dashes - between the number as it shows on your bills. 
Late Fee
If bills are not paid by the due date, 15th of the month
(or the first business day thereafter if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday) a 10% late fee is applied on the next business day.
If you cannot pay your bill by the 25th of the month – please contact the City Office!
We offer a promise to pay to extend up to (15 days after bill due date) the 5th of the month.

Disconnects Due to Nonpayment
If utility bills are not paid by the 25th of the month (or the first business day thereafter if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday), a shut-off notice is hand delivered and a $10.00(+ tax) delivery fee is added to the bill. If the bill remains unpaid, utility services will be disconnected or terminated. When it is necessary to disconnect or terminate services, the unpaid bill including the delivery fee, will accrue a $25.00(+tax) reconnect fee. The reconnect fee will be $60.00(+tax) if after regular business hours.

Returning Residents with Outstanding Balances or Residents Requesting an Extension
To ensure continued utility services the following should be best practiced, paying outstanding balances in full, or making partial payments of at least 25% of the outstanding balance, along with a signed Promise to Pay written agreement by resident to pay off the outstanding balance within 3 months and keeping current bill in good standing. Returning residents would follow this policy along with application for new utility services with deposits. Residents with outstanding balances cannot be added to current service accounts until balance is taken care of or this will cause subject for disconnection.
Transferring, Discontinuing or Disconnecting Service Application to discontinue utility services will need to be completed at the City Office. Applicant(s) are responsible for any charges incurred while services remain in their name(s). Services will remain in applicant(s) name until paperwork is completed. Upon completing paperwork and determining which action is being done corresponding actions happen with deposits. If resident is transferring service from one address to another the deposit is transferred with residents’ information to the new address. Deposits will be applied to your final bill if you move out of the service area. Disconnecting service for renovation, remodeling, etc. we ask that contractors or homeowners contact the city office.

Service Interruptions
If experiencing any interruptions that occur during normal working hours to electrical, water or sewer service should be reported to the city, 997-2492. Interruptions that occur during evenings or weekends should be reported to the Moody County Sheriff's Office, 997-2423.

Natural Gas Service:
MidAmerican Energy: 1-888-427-5632.

Propane Service:
River’s Edge: 997-3788
Ramsdell F&M Ltd.: 997-3704.

Telephone, Internet, and Cable TV Services:
Bluepeak: 1-888-975-4258
Additional Internet Service: Moody County Internet Service at 997-3810,
Rural Broadband Service MVTV Wireless 320-564-4807.
Valley FiberCom 1-866-45FIBER (1-866-453-4237)

Informational Numbers
Flandreau Police Department 997-3830
Moody County Sheriff Office 997-2423
Big Sioux Rural Water 997-2098
Otter Tail Power Co. 997-3621
Sioux Valley Energy 534-3535
ICAP 997-2824

Garbage and Recycling

Garbage collection is provided through contract with Eng Services. Questions about services may be made directly to Eng Services, 997-5551, or the City Office, 997-2492.

Residents MUST provide their own garbage can(s), allowed 3 per household.

Curbside Recycling occurs on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month